Urinary tract infection (UTI)
Urinary tract infections may involve the upper or lower urinary tract. Infections may be complicated or uncomplicated. Uncomplicated cystitis is a lower UTI in a non-pregnant woman of reproductive age and who has a normal urinary tract. All other UTIs should be regarded as complicated.
•Differentiation of upper from lower urinary tract infection in young children is not possible on clinical grounds
•Upper UTI is a more serious condition and requires longer and sometimes intravenous treatment. To be summarized and refined; see also Obstetric/Gynecology
Risk factors
Signs and Symptoms
Diagnostic criteria
• Flank pain/tenderness
• Temperature 380C or higher
• Tachypnoea, tachycardia, confusion, and, hypotension
• Vomiting
• Urine microscopy
• Culture and sensitivity
• Ultrasound (kidney and pelvis)to exclude stones and structural abnormalities
- Acute pyelonephritis
• Ciprofloxacin 500 mg (PO) 12 hourly for 7 days
Uncomplicated cystitis
• Ciprofloxacin 500 mg (PO) as single dose Complicated cystitis
• Ciprofloxacin 500 mg (PO) 12 hourly for 7 days For pregnant women and adolescents:
• Amoxicillin/clavulanic acid 500/125 mg (PO) 12 hourly for 7 days
- • Ensure adequate hydration
Updated on,
23 Novemba 2020, 11:59:21
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