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Oral Cavity Cancer

Oral Cavity Cancer
Oral Cavity Cancer


Oral cavity consists of the upper and lower lips, gingivobuccal sulcus, buccal mucosa, upper and lower gingiva, retromolar trigone, hard palate, floor of mouth, and anterior two–third of the tongue. Risk factors include smoking, excessive consumption of alcohol, poor oral hygiene, prolonged focal denture irritation, betel nut chewing, and syphilis.


Surgery and Radiotherapy Surgery is the mainstay treatment modality for cancer of the oral cavity. Single modality treatment with surgery or radiation therapy is preferred for early-stage oral cavity cancer. Definitive radiation with concurrent chemotherapy is the current standard for unresectable locally advanced disease.

Radiotherapy can be given as palliative treatment to primary or metastatic area. Chemotherapy may also be given as palliative care in a very advanced disease.

Signs and Symptoms

Diagnostic criteria

• Non-healing ulcer, speech difficulty, hypersalivation, neck mass, dysphagia and otalgia


• FBC, LFT, RFT, HIV test
• Chest X-ray
• CT scan and/or MRI of the primary and neck
• Mirror and fibre-optic endoscopic examination
• Biopsy for histologic confirmation


  • Pharmacological

  • Non-pharmacological


Updated on,

5 Novemba 2020, 11:03:56



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