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In this section you will learn management of various Metabolic and endocrine disease conditions 

Metabolic and endocrine disease conditions 

Thyroid storm (crisis)

Thyroid storm (crisis)

Thyroid storm is one of the most life-threatening endocrine emergencies, resulting from exacerbation of manifestations of thyrotoxicosis.



Hyperthyroidism is a condition in which an overactive thyroid gland is producing an excessive amount of thyroid hormones that circulate in the blood.



Hypothyroidism is a condition in which a person's thyroid hormone production is below normal. Common causes of the disease is chronic autoimmune thyroiditis, post surgery and post radio active iodine.

Diabetic nephropathy

Diabetic nephropathy

It is a progressive kidney disease that damages the capillaries in the kidney’ glomemeruli because of the long-lasting diabetes mellitus.

Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy

Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy

All patients should be screened for distal symmetric polyneuropathy starting at diagnosis of T2DM and at least annually thereafter.

Diabetes and other cardiovascular diseases

Diabetes and other cardiovascular diseases

Diabetic patients are 2–4 times likely to develop cardiovascular diseases mainly due to atherosclerosis and hypertension.

Non-ketotic hyperosmolar state (NKHS)

Non-ketotic hyperosmolar state (NKHS)

It is a serious condition most frequently seen in older persons with T2DM. In NKHS, blood sugar level rise and the body try to get rid of the excess sugar by passing into urine.

Diabetic Ketoacidosis

Diabetic Ketoacidosis

Diabetic Ketoacidosis It is an acute metabolic complication of diabetes mellitus that may present with a decreased level of consciousness

Diabetes and tuberculosis

Diabetes and tuberculosis

Diabetes and HIV

Diabetes and HIV



Hypoglycaemia is defined as blood glucose <4 mmol/L.

Hyperglycaemia in pregnancy

Hyperglycaemia in pregnancy

Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) is any degree of glucose intolerance first recognized in pregnancy.

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