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Contact Dermatitis
Contact Dermatitis

Contact Dermatitis


Is a delayed hypersensitivity reaction following skin coming into contact with a particular chemical. This may be a dye, perfume, rubber, nickel, drugs, skin preparations containing lanolin, iodine, antihistamines, neomycin etc

Signs & symptoms

• Red papulo-vesicular rash with ill-defined margins
• Itching, which may be severe
• Dry, cracked, scaly skin, if chronic
• Blisters, draining fluid (weeping) and crusting, with severe dermatitis
• Swelling, burning or tenderness

Diagnostic criteria

• Red papulo-vesicular rash with ill-defined margins
• Itching, which may be severe
• Dry, cracked, scaly skin, if chronic
• Blisters, draining fluid (weeping) and crusting, with severe dermatitis
• Swelling, burning or tenderness




  • Non-Pharmacological treatment

    • Avoid contact with allergen
  • Pharmacological

    • Betamethasone valerate 0.025% cream/ointment 12 hourly for two weeks

    Note: Super potent and potent topical corticosteroids are first-line pharmacologic therapy. A single application with occlusion at night is often more effective than multiple daytime applications



Updated on,

3 Novemba 2020 12:16:31


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